Today we continued with the topic of colors. We learnt why we see colors and for the first time experimented with a color sensor as we built an alarm that only went off, when a blue monster passed by. We had lots of fun building monsters of different colors and reprogramming the sensor.
We also learnt that colors affected our mood and which colors were typically associated with which emotions. We then each colored our hand to represent the mood we had at the moment and briefly presented it to the group. This was our first exercise on EQ (emotional intelligence). We started it watching the Color Monster video, which introduced some of the emotions. We then paused and listened to ourselves to determine our mood and select the right color. We made sure to put a date on our drawings because our emotions are fluid, they pass and new emotions arise. No single emotion defines us – a simple but powerful message to start building emotional resilience. And presenting our drawings and moods was a great practice for our communication skills. Our future Masters didn't yet all feel comfortable presenting in front of a group but practice makes perfect.