Our Story
Welcome and thank you for your interest in how “Masters of Tomorrow” development club came about.
My name is Natasha Mlotok. I’m a proud mom of two amazing children.
When my older son turned 5 years old, I started looking for extracurriculum activities for him to ensure a multi-faceted development and foster competencies, which I knew would be important when he grew up. I was disappointed to find out that there was nothing meeting my requirements in Schmerikon (which is where we live) or close vicinity.
As at that time I was at home on a maternity leave with my second child, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to leverage my expertise to advance a noble mission of helping children be successful in tomorrow’s world.
I have a Harvard MBA and a 20+ years successful career at international multi-billion market-leading companies. I know from the first-hand experience what it takes to get admitted into a leading global university and to get hired by a premier employer.
I want my children to have those opportunities open to them, so that they can freely choose, rather than being forced down a certain path. I designed our club to enable that. And I feel happy and privileged to be able to offer this opportunity to other children.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to tell you more about our approach and answer any questions you might have.
I look forward to welcoming your children in our club and helping them become “Masters of Tomorrow”!
Yours sincerely,
Natasha Mlotok

That's my son working on his first LEGO® Robotics project - he loved it!