Voice of Clients
17 graduates
82% enroll in multiple courses
10 out of 10
"Extremely likely to recommend" 100%

Likes from students
Top 3 activities
building LEGO®
making experiments
"steering" LEGO® models
Top 3 topics
concave and convex lenses
thermodynamics of liquids and gases
polluting and cleaning water

Likes from parents
Top 3 overall
right balance between learning and fun
strengthening interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
- mix of hard and soft skills
Top skills
presentation skills
problem solving​​

Voices of students
Lucas (English)
Oleksandr (German)
Adrian (German)
Alexander (German)
Voices of parents

"My daughter attended every single class with great joy" - Stacy, Mom of 6-year-old daughter
"Fantastic course!!!" - Niklas, Dad of 8-year-old son
Mom of 6-year-old daughter
Mom of 7-year-old son
Have questions? Please contact us