Sample STEM Activities
In every workshop we learn something new about a science topic in an easy and entertaining way. We immediately put what we’ve learnt to practice through various experiments. Afterwards we build and program a corresponding LEGO® model, which further illustrates workshop’s science topic to us.
Nature of Light

We discuss that there are light sources and objects, which could only be seen when they reflect light. We also learn that black means no light and white light is a sum of all colours. We make some cool experiments splitting white light and combining basic colours to make white light. The optical cube is a big hit!
We also build a car for our protagonist Daniel to be able to see what’s in the cave. Once we have programmed cool colourful lights for our cars, we are able to look and see what’s inside the “cave”.
Water Pollution and Cleaning

We need to build a submarine for our protagonist Maria to visit a turtle under water. We learn some cool facts about turtles and also some sad facts about all the rubbish in the seas. We reenact a tragic story of Freddy the Fish, who died in a polluted river, and then try to clean the water again, so that other fish would survive. Doing that we learn which pollutants are easier to remove from the water vs the others.
We then build and program the submarine for Maria. We present our creations to the group to strengthen our communication skills.
Concave and convex lenses

We learn a lot about lenses and their properties. Then we test some of the key properties ourselves and prove that indeed convex lenses turn an image upside down or left to right and that the focus point (Brennpunkt) gets literally hot enough to burn a hole in a balloon. This is our favourite trick together with “disappearing” colours.
We then build and program a Fast Lane for our protagonist Leo, which lets him go through without a line if he has a ticket of a certain colour, so we use the colour sensor to enable that. We present our creations to the group to strengthen our communication skills.
Thermodynamics of gases and liquids

Our main learning is an important basic principle that warm gases and liquids go up and cold ones go down. We make a couple of cool experiments to test this principle with both air and water. We also learn that this principle is the reason there is wind.
And our protagonist Maria likes to feel wind in her face while swinging. Maybe that's why everyone programs maximum speed for the swings we build for Maria, so much so that she and her friends often fly off the swings :)
Centre of gravity and stability of an object

We learn about the centre of gravity of an object and why one object is more or less stable than another. We then make a couple of experiments to put our new learning to practice. Balancing a cork on a rule's corner is a great hit!
We then build a high-tech seesaw and program cool lights and other special effects for it. We present our creations to the group to strengthen our communication skills.
Centrifugal force

We learn the trick how to hold a bucket upside down without letting the water run out and how to separate larger particles from smaller ones. But the coolest experiment of all is making centrifugal paintings!
We then build a carousel for our protagonist Sofie and program our carousels to run at the maximum speed as the centrifugal force is the strongest then and it's so much fun when things fly out :)